Then, on Tuesday, Tom 2.0 (the newer, better Tom) called to ask me out for dinner and a haunted house. I said yes. I was excited and nervous. It had been so long since I'd been on a first date...almost a year, in fact.
Friday night, I rushed around to be ready for our date. He's said he would aim to pick me up at 6:30, but with traffic might not make it until 7. At 7:10, I hadn't even heard from him. I was pacing around my aparment, steaming mad. I thought he'd stood me up. Then the phone rang. He apologized for being late and told me he was stuck in traffic. At 8, he finally picked me up. I was a bit crabby until I saw how upset he looked. He'd been on the road since 4:30. It turns out, a major route from Brooklyn was recently closed (and will remain closed for the rest of the year). Now all the other bridges between Manhattan and Brooklyn are packed.
Anyway, we went straight to the Haunted House. The actors were amazing. They managed to play every scene straight, tears and all. After the show ended, we went to a quirky French restaurant. The food was great and we talked and laughed. Then we lingered at the table. Tom 2.0 said, "I don't want to go home yet... I've got an idea. There's someplace I want you to see. Let's go."
He took me to the Brooklyn Promenade (see photo above, which I downloaded from Petite Pomme). The view was gorgeous. "See, this is why I love New York," I said, and sighed. It's also kind of surreal because it looks so serene, a path with pretty plants and benches and that view, but the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway is humming away under your feet. After a while, Tom drove me home and called the next day to talk. So far, so good!
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