In the 48 Hour Film Project, teams are assigned a genre. All short films must include a common character, line and prop—in this case a traveling salesman or saleswoman, a roll of blue painter’s tape and the line “What’s it to you, pal?” My friends drew a challenging genre this year: fable. That said, their piece was
Friday, Grandma Carol and Grandpa Kenny arrived. They were staying for the weekend so Grandma could attend a reunion in the area while, coincidentally, my parents needed to go stay with Grandpa Russ and Grandma Lenora for Dad’s reunion in northern Iowa. The first night, though, we were all together. We had a nice dinner and played manipulation rummy, a game I hope to convince my friends to start playing.

Basically, Lee could only get acting roles where she had to fake a Chinese accent. She realized if she wanted a non-stereotypical role, she would have to write it herself, so she took classes and actually did it. Her script even won contests. Then a studio offered to make the film…if she’d make the main character Latina so Jennifer Lopez could play the role. Her reply: “I don’t think Jennifer Lopez would grow up in Chinatown.” Seriously! The movie has a subplot about Chinatown sweatshops. Would she just pretend there are sweatshops in Spanish Harlem? Sheesh.
The movie was cute as can be. It definitely has some first-time-writer, first-time-director clunkiness…but it’s just so cute. It’s an old-school romantic comedy. At one point, it gave me a little flutter in my chest. I hadn’t felt that way at a movies since I was a teenager. I thought I’d outgrown it. As it turns out, it was the movies that lost something, not me. And there it was, back again. Lee promises that, if we should get her on Oprah, she will film her next movie in Iowa. Of course, our state’s system of hefty tax breaks for filmmakers probably doesn’t hurt, either.

I went home and chored. Then I spent the evening hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa, who had returned from the reunion. It was nice to spend time with them, and we even played some more cards.
Mom and I helped my brother and sister-in-law get the girls ready for bed. I paid close attention because I would be repeating the process on my own the next weekend. For J.B.’s birthday, I gave him tickets to a movie and free babysitting. [Mom took the cute picture of me with my nieces. Thanks, Mom!]
Mom and I took turns reading Brooke her bedtime stories. As I read to her, I couldn’t stop yawning, which made mom giggle. After the girls went to sleep, we adults chatted a bit. Brooke snuck out of her room a few times, sure we were having a grand time. It probably didn’t help that we giggled when we saw Brooke’s attempts at stealth.
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